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Monitoring and Evaluation

An essential component of designing and delivering intercultural education programs is monitoring and evaluation. However, how do you go about monitoring and evaluating the success of your program? How do you define a focal problem, set specific goals and develop relevant indicators? This unit seeks to answer these questions by giving coaches and physical education teachers the knowledge and tools to measure, improve and learn from their intercultural learning sessions.

Starting with an overview of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), the unit becomes progressively more focused, presenting the specifics relating to the development of indicators and the different methods to evaluate against these indicators. This content is further oriented to reflect the specific context and requirements faced by coaches and physical education teachers working to foster intercultural education opportunities through their sessions.

Section 1

Introduction to M&E in intercultural education >

Provides a general introduction on M&E, reasons for conducting M&E, guiding principles and different methods and tools related to data collection.

Section 2

Defining the focal problem >

Explains how to define a focal problem and its relationship to effects and causes.

Section 3

Setting specific goals and outcomes >

Highlights the importance of setting specific goals and determining the appropriate outcomes, outputs and inputs to achieve those goals.

Section 4

Developing indicators related to those goals and outcomes >

Defines indicators, the SMART model and includes an example of indicators in the context of intercultural sport education.

Section 5

Determining the methods to measure indicators >

Explores various methods to measure indicators, including surveys, observation, interviews and other innovative methods.

Review your knowledge >

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