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Understanding Others

Understanding others is at the heart of promoting intercultural education, which is facilitated by processes related to personal leadership, communication and collaboration. This unit, therefore, focuses on specific techniques to enhance key elements of communication between people and how to apply yourself as a leader to create positive development with the environments and people you work with interact.

The goal here is not only for physical education teachers and coaches to understand others, but to give them the tools to create environments that promote and foster mutual understanding.

Section 1

Communication >

Focuses on motivational interviewing techniques and how they can be integrated in sport settings. These techniques are designed to generate greater understanding and produce internally motivated change by mobilising the individual’s own change resources for engaging in intercultural processes. Participants are introduced to tools concerning questioning techniques and recognised approaches to process development.

Section 2

Cooperation >

Focuses on the leadership dimension as a core competency for physical education teachers and coaches to lead social processes related to understanding others. The purpose of including leadership as a core competence is that it can lead the social processes in and around their task of teaching or coaching – both in terms of leading themselves and leading others.

Section 3

Personal Leadership >

Explains how belief and value systems influence mental processes regulating one’s social and professional experiences. It also provides information on ethnic or group stereotyping and scientific models for understanding personal agency and self-confidence as well as professional tools for promoting collective or group empowerment.

Review your knowledge >

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